Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Rhythm of Reading

We have a little night time rhythm at our house.  It has evolved into something incredibly special and precious and a time that we all gain something unique from.  After dinner and bedtime wind down we select a book to read together.  Sometimes it's a chapter book but other times we select a stand alone book - pertinent to our day.

It takes place either on the couch but mostly in Martin and my bed.  I love that we're snuggled up together side-by-side and so we begin the process of reading, reading together.  I am grateful for the familiar grounding presence as we travel through the pages.  Sometimes the reader changes from month to month or even night to night, but there is always a reader nonetheless.  It remains the loveliest way to drift into the land of nod.

Almost every night they beg for one more page, one more chapter, one more snuggle.  A wonderful and special time.  One that I will never tire of.

Some Tips on Reading Aloud to Your Children

  • Let the children pick the book.  Even if it means reading the same book over and over and over again!
  • Try and visit the library to get new books.  Nothing like letting the kids go wild for books.
  • Build your own home library.  Visit book stores together, garage sales or book sales.
  • Try and read in the same place each night.  Make it a comfy place.  Children are creatures of habit and routine is comforting to them.
  • Make reading time routine.  If you cannot read at the same time each day make sure you put aside some time to read to them.  
  • Make reading aloud a priority.
  • Turn the television off - make the book a focus.
Australia's famous author, Mem Fox has 10 Read Aloud Commandments - here

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